Spare parts & lubricants

Within the shortest possible time we supply you spare parts and lubricants for all TMG GmbH lines. From us you will receive only original products of premium quality. We have all electrical and mechanical parts always in our stocks. To provide world-wide for a fast supply with spare parts, we have established in many countries local spare parts stocks.

Our E-shop allows you to order spare parts and lubricants round-the-clock on 365 days a year. This almost permanent availability of our parts ensures minimum downtimes of your line. For this reason we have the most important spare and wear parts permanently in our stocks. Profit of the high quality of our original spare parts and lubricants.

Register preferably already today in our E-Shop.

If you are already our customer and have a TMG GmbH machine, we will free of charge check a sample of your chain sent by you and we will give advise you regarding the best lubrication. Please find here further information about the check of your chain samples.

We recommend to use original TMG GmbH lubricants which have been developed particularly for our lines. Please refer to our lubricants overview.


Your contact

Denis Eckert

Head of Spare Parts Sales
+49 7152 12-478
E-Mail: [email protected]

Andreas Merthen

Head of Spare Parts Sales
+49 7152 12-274
E-Mail: [email protected]